Interview with Rebecca Lim


Rebecca Lim
Class of 03S41

Rebecca Lim needs little introduction. Talented and versatile, Rebecca has played leading roles in both English and Chinese television productions. Her work has been recognised with a number of local and international awards.

1. What is 1 life lesson you learnt in your JC years, that shaped the person you are today?
Nil Sine Labore. When I was in VJ, it was difficult to truly understand the significance of our motto. But I've come to understand what it means to work hard, to be dedicated and that everything takes time. You have to put in your best in everything you do.

2. What is your fondest memory of VJC?
Rebecca: I have many fond memories of VJC. The friends I met, the chats with the canteen vendors, my hockey days etc. But one memory was back in 2003: The hockey finals. It was a very close match. During the final few minutes, the VJC contingent who came down to support us sang “When You Believe”. I remember all of us getting spurred on to keep fighting, and we won our first gold medal ever.

3. If you could go back in time, what would you say to encourage your younger JC self?
Rebecca: Never compare yourself to others. We will all bloom at different stages of our lives. Be true to yourself, follow your gut feeling.

4. Where’s your fave hangout spot in VJC, and why?
Rebecca: I love the canteen. The food was so good! The chicken rice, blue plate Malay mixed rice, bak chor mee were my favourites.

5. What was your most challenging experience in VJC, and how did you overcome it?
Rebecca: I wasn’t gifted academically as compared to my peers and didn’t do extremely well in school. But I wasn’t afraid to make mistakes and to ask my teachers or classmates when I couldn’t understand. That was the best way to learn. To ask. Ask and ask till you get it. There’s no shame in not knowing. 

6. In your opinion, what is unique about the VJC experience?
Rebecca: We work hard and we play hard.

7. Name one person you met at VJC (could be a schoolmate or teacher or coach, canteen staff etc) and why you’ll never forget him / her.
Mr Seet Kok Wah. He gave me many opportunities to grow in hockey. And that gave me the confidence as a 17year old who wasn’t at all confident of my skills to believe that I was good enough. He was extremely committed to coaching us not only on our skills but also on life, good values and team spirit. Till now we still keep in touch and I am always grateful for a coach like Mr Seet.

8. If you could use only one word to describe VJC, what would this word be?

Read our interviews with other alumni in this series!

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