Interview with Felicia Chin


Felicia Chin
Class of 01S12

Felicia Chin is a multi-hyphenate who has won local and international awards. This actress/theatre practitioner/host is also a World Vision Goodwill Ambassador, advocating for needy children globally.

1. What is 1 life lesson you learnt in your JC years, that shaped the person you are today?
Never belittle yourself. You are much more than what you think.

2. What is your fondest memory of VJC?
Felicia: I have so many fond memories: From the regular jogs to East Coast for softball practice and getting my very first gold medal for softball in A Division, to buying coloured pens and strawberry Hello Panda from the bookstore; from eating my favourite red bean pau from the canteen to that crazy night when I was crowned prom queen (and I still wonder to date how that happened); from having a crush on someone from the basketball team to the many afternoons spent in the library trying to keep myself awake and studying. Haha, very real very fond memories indeed.

3. If you could go back in time, what would you say to encourage your younger JC self?
Felicia: Felicia, you will go through a lot in these two years but they will also be two of the most fun, fulfilling, wonderful years of your life. So, have fun and know that you are awesome in your very own way!

4. Where’s your fave hangout spot in VJC, and why?
Felicia: The canteen. It was a place to chill, people watch (haha) and do more people watching.

5. What was your most challenging experience in VJC, and how did you overcome it?
Felicia: I have to admit that my prelim grades before my actual A level papers weren’t great and it was a wake up call for me. I had a month to buck up and my friends came together to help me out. The whole month was filled with many of my classmates studying together at a nearby fast food restaurant, spurring one another on. You can also say that our prelim papers were also pretty difficult which explained the “poor” grades we got. But we were thankful for one another and for our teachers who stayed back just to help us. I was glad all our hard work paid off in the end. That was a tough one month but memorable nonetheless. 

6. In your opinion, what is unique about the VJC experience?
Felicia: My VJ days were filled with both the pursuit of academic excellence (or rather, me trying to) and a good balance of fun, sports and great camaraderie among friends and teachers. I had awesome teachers who believed in us and I love how the school culture was cool, laid back yet about pursuing excellence in its own unique way.

7. Name one person you met at VJC (could be a schoolmate or teacher or coach, canteen staff etc) and why you’ll never forget him / her.
Mrs Choo. She was my chemistry teacher. I remember I didn’t understand organic chemistry for the whole of my year 1 and did badly for my prelims just before my actual A level chemistry papers. She never gave up on me, always encouraged me, stayed back just to help me improve and always gave me another chance and believed in me. I am truly thankful for an encouraging and awesome teacher who never put me down. I’m proud to say that her efforts paid off and I’m thankful for the A grade that I got, I’m even more thankful for a teacher who chose to believe in me.

8. If you could use only one word to describe VJC, what would this word be?

Read our interviews with other alumni in this series!

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